Weir Minerals Europe has launched a new addition to its Warman range of centrifugal pumps - a vortex pump featuring an open, recessed impeller designed to minimise abrasion, clogging and damage to delicate materials.
Unlike standard centrifugal pumps, the Warman WRR pump uses a vortex to move slurry through the unit, created by an impeller which sits outside of the main flow path. This provides an unobstructed passage between suction and discharge, even for particles as big as the suction inlet.
The Warman WRR pump is designed for applications across the wastewater, food and drink manufacturing, mining, minerals and chemical processing industries.
The WRR pump is available in a large range of sizes and configurations including standard horizontal, close coupled, submersible and vertical bearingless designs. Flow rates range from 1 to 1250 m3/h and free spherical passages from 40 to 250mm.
The Warman range of pumps from Weir Minerals is widely considered a benchmark in pumping technology and offers the widest range of slurry pumps in the industry.